Join the future of innovation with our Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) training and internship program!

Data Science & AI Training & Internship

Data publikacji: 05-03-2025
Miejsce Pracy: Royaume-Uni, Londres 1
Stanowisko: Aplikant

About the Company :

Refonte Learning is a dynamic Ed-Tech division of Refonte Private Limited, dedicated to empoweringindividuals and businesses in the digital age. Weofferindustry-relevant IT training programs in Python, SQL, Tableau, and Advanced Excel, alongwith hands-on projects and internshipsthroughour unique Global Training &Internship Program (OGTIP). Additionally, weprovidecutting-edge digital marketing solutions to help businesses achievetheirgrowth objectives.

Job Summary :

  • Wearelooking for enthusiasticindividualseager to dive into the field of data science whileworking on real-world projectswith a global impact.
  • Weoffer more thanjust a flexible workenvironment—weprovide the opportunity to collaboratewith a dynamic team acrossdifferent countries.

Projects You Will Work On:

  • Financial FraudDetection: Design sophisticatedalgorithms to identifyfraudulentactivities by analyzingfinancial data.
  • PersonalizedRecommendationSystems: Help develop intelligent recommendationmodels to improve user experiencesacrossvarious platforms.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyzetext data to gain valuable insights into user opinions and emotional trends.
  • AI Chatbots: Contribute to the creation of smart chatbotsthatenhancecustomer service and automated interactions.
  • Multimedia Classification: Work on cutting-edgeprojectsinvolving the categorization of images, audio, and video content.
  • Text Data Processing: Detecthidden trends and extractmeaningful insights fromtextual data usingadvancedanalytical techniques.


Roles&Responsibilities :

  • Work alongsideexperienced data science professionals to gather, refine, and interpret large datasets, enhancing expertise in data preprocessing and visualization.
  • Assist in building predictivemodels and algorithms, leveraging advanced machine learningmethods to tackle real-world problems.
  • Engage with team members to conceptualize, execute, and assessexperiments, promoting a culture of collaboration and innovation.
  • Keep up with the latest trends and best practices in data science, integrating new insights to optimizeproject performance.

Qualifications :

  • Enrolled in an academic program, demonstrating a strongdedication to ongoinglearning and careerdevelopment.
  • Outstandingwritten and spoken communication abilities, essential for teamwork and conveyingcomplex concepts clearly.
  • Provencapability to workautonomously as well as within a collaborative team environment, showcasingflexibility and stronginterpersonalskills.


How to Apply:

Interested and qualified candidates shouldsendtheir CV to: using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.

Odpowiedz na Ogłoszenie:

Pamiętaj o Podstawowych Zasadach Bezpieczeństwa

  • Nie przelewaj, nie wysyłaj pieniędzy potencjalnemu pracodawcy
  • Nie wysyłaj płatnych sms-ów np. w zamian za dodatkowe informacje o pracy
  • Nie podawaj wrażliwych danych, np. numeru karty kredytowej
  • Prosimy o zgłaszanie wszelkich prób oszustwa lub podejrzanych ogłoszeń