General Dentist

Data publikacji: 29-08-2024
Miejsce Pracy: Dentist in the Netherlands
Wynagrodzenie: 4000 to 9000 EUR per month
Stanowisko: Stomatolog
Rodzaj Pracy: Praca stała
Rodzaj Umowy: Umowa o pracę
Wymiar Pracy: Pełny etat
Znajomość Języka: Angielski
Doświadczenie: Wymagane

Are you up for an adventure as a dentist abroad, treating loads of patients, and looking for a pleasant work-life balance?

Then hop on board the BGB Program and let us kickstart your dental career in the Netherlands!

What’s in it for you?

A 20-week tailor-made language program designed for dentists (from our certified language academy)
Study together with fellow tooth wizards
Dive into an unforgettable adventure
A guaranteed job in a Dutch dental clinic
Good job conditions (starting salary between 3-4K net per month, with potential 60-100K annual net)
A helping hand with your professional growth

What do we need from you?

– An adventurous spirit
– A commitment of at least 3 years to work in the Netherlands
– You like to learn a new language and you have a good command of English
– A European diploma in Dentistry and European nationality
– You have confidence and have experience in performing basic general dentistry treatments

Currently, we are selecting dentists who would like to start the program in October.

Are you the dentist we’re hunting for, ready to start this adventure?
Then send us your application to, and before you know it, you’ll be kickstarting your dental journey in the Netherlands!

We are looking forward to meet you!

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  • Nie wysyłaj płatnych sms-ów np. w zamian za dodatkowe informacje o pracy
  • Nie podawaj wrażliwych danych, np. numeru karty kredytowej
  • Prosimy o zgłaszanie wszelkich prób oszustwa lub podejrzanych ogłoszeń